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Community Volunteers Needed

Date – Time

April 17, 2025 – 6:45 PM - 9:15 PM

Grade/Age Restriction

Adult 20+ ; 15 y/o–19 y/o


Dallas, GA

Additional Information

I know many are seeking opportunities to be active in the community. There is a huge need for childcare during foster and adoptive parent training. The parents attend an association meeting once a month where they receive training on parenting kids with trauma, policy changes, resources like therapies, doctors, helping biological parents, and so much more. This association, Kindworks, serve Paulding County and all surrounding counties, building relationships with other foster and adoptive parents. They need 6-8 adults at each meeting to watch the kids, Teens are welcome but they limit how many they allow. If you are available to help, please contact Cheryl Smith the childcare coordinator, she will give you all the needed info for the night; [email protected]